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Review Article

J. res. tradit. med. 2016; 2(3): 81-86

Application of Tantrayukti (Means of Interpreting Science) in Research Methodology

Anil D. Avhad*, Manjiri Walinjkar, Hitesh A. Vyas, R.R. Dwivedi.


Background: A careful analysis of Ayurveda treatises reveals that there is a comprehensive approach regarding research. Tantrayukti is the methodology or technique or systemic approach of studying a science to interpret its correct unambiguous meaning for its practical application. Aim: Analysis of application of Tantrayukti in research methodology. Materials and Methods: Review of ancient classical texts like Charakasamhita and Sushrutasamhita, textbooks and articles on research methodology, web sources, etc. were done to analyze the Tantrayukti in the perspective of its application. Results: After analyzing the literary material it was observed that both Acharya Sushruta and Charaka have similar opinions regarding the definition and application of Tantrayukti except a few, however the number mentioned varies from 32 to 36 respectively. Along with this, it was observed that most of the Tantrayukti (30 of them) have striking similarities with the terms of research methodology. Conclusion: Tantrayukti can be said as the ancient concept of critical analysis and means of understanding or interpreting science which can be compared as the various components of research methodology.

Key words: Ayurvedic lexicons, Research Methodology, Tantrayukti

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