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Review Article

J. res. tradit. med. 2016; 2(5): 147-150

Phytoestrogens Medicinal Herbs - Safe and Effective Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopausal Syndrome

Priyanka Kulkarni*, Pramod Khobragade.


Background: Menopause is an natural phenomenon which occurs as the age of an female progresses. The unpleasant changes experienced by the women during this phase is termed as menopausal syndrome which is characterized by psychosomatic disturbances. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the conventional treatment practised for it, however HRT are associated with many side effects. Phytoestrogens, sometimes called "dietary estrogens" are a diverse group of nonsteroidal plant-derived polyphenolic compounds. They exhibit structural similarity and mimic the effect of naturally occurring estrogen compounds in the body. Aim- The present review is aimed at generating scientic data about medicinal plants containing phytoestrogens along with their mode of action. Materials and Methods: Literatures such as Brihattrayee (Three major compendia of Ayurved), Nighantu (Lexicon), modern textbooks written in 21st century, and journals from year 2000 upto 2016 were critically reviewed to explore safety and efcacy of phytoestrogens in Ayurvedic herbs. Results:The review revealed that the medicinal herbs effectively used in menopausal syndrome are Shatavari, Ashok, Ashwagandha, Jeerak, Bala, Aamalaki, Methika, Kumari and Yashtimadhu. These herbs contains phytoestrogens that mimics body hormones and reduces the severity of menopausal syndrome and improves Quality of life. Conclusion: Health benets attributed to judicial use of phytoestrogen include relief from menopausal symptoms and lowering the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and breast cancer.

Key words: Ayurvedic Herbs, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Menopausal Syndrome, Phytoestrogens

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