Background: Pandu is a clinical condition characterized by pale discoloration of skin, sclera, nails etc. and occurs due to deciency of Rasa and Rakta Dhatu and the main line of treatment in Pandu is to improve their status. Panduroga can be compared with anaemia on the ground of its similarity in signs and symptoms. Nagaphani (Opuntia elatior Mill.) is a widely prevalent plant in the state of Gujarat and its fruits are traditionally used as a successful haematinics agent in general and to treat Pandu (anaemia) in particular. Aims: To evaluate the pharmacotherapeutic effect of the fruit of Opuntia elatior Mill. on Pandu (anaemia). Material & Methods: The present study was conducted upon a 44 year old male patient who was suffering from Daurbalya (general weakness), Panduta (pallor), Bhrama (vertigo), Pindikodweshtana (calf muscle cramp), Shrama (fatigue) and Shwasa (exertional dyspnoea) from one year with his haemoglobin value always below 10 gm% from last six months. The patient was administered with fruit juice of Opuntia elatior in the dose of 20 ml twice a day before meal for 60 days. Results: Opuntia elatior fruit provides marked effect in relieving classical symptoms of Pandu like Daurbalya, Panduta, Bhrama, Pindikodweshtana, Shrama, and Shwasa after two months of treatment and also increase in Hb%, TRBC count, Serum Iron and Serum ferritin was noted. Conclusion: The preliminary study conducted based on biochemical, hematological and clinical assessment showed haematinic effect of Opuntia elatior fruit juice in the management of Pandu with respect to iron deciency anemia which conrms the folklore claim, However well designed randomized clinical trails will be needed to analyze the exact efcacy of the drug.
Key words: Haemoglobin, Iron deciency anaemia, Opuntia elatior, Pandu