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J. res. tradit. med. 2016; 2(6): 156-161

Characterization of Suryashekhara Rasa Prepared Through Conventional Method and Electrical Muffle Furnace

M S Doddamani*, Rohit Gokarn, Kishore Kumar BV.


Background: Advancements in instrumentations has eased many operative procedures and has reduced human efforts in terms of time and labor. But at the same time it is very important to preserve the principle of pharmaceutical preparation with standardized products that meet the expectation of industry in terms of production. The other important factors being to get cost effective drug with maximum safety and efcacy. Aims: Production of Bhasmas (ashes) has been replaced from conventional Puta/Bhatti to Electrical Mufe Furnace (EMF), however the pros and cons of the same has to be evaluated through proper study. Materials & Methods: Suryashekhara Rasa, a Kupipakwa Rasayana (preparation done in glass bottle) was prepared in conventional Bhatti and EMF by subjecting to 18 hrs of Kramagni (gradual intermittent rise of temperature). Further Kajjali and end products were analyzed for physico-chemical analysis, XRD, SEM-EDX, FTIR and Particle size. Results: Both the samples analyzed by XRD showed the presence of HgS Cinnabar in Hexagonal crystal structure. Particle size in conventional method was 0.64 μm and in EMF was 0.51 μm. Both the samples showed the presence of primary amines, alkanes, methyl, Aromatic, uroalkanes and Bromo-alkanes in FTIR analysis. Conclusion: Conventional method of Kupipakwa Rasayana in Bhatti can be effectively replaced by Electrical mufe Furnace. In both methods the analytical ndings did not show any notable variations. The particle size however were smaller in samples prepared through EMF.

Key words: Conventional method (Putta/Bhatti), Electrical mufe furnace (EMF), FTIR, SEM-EDX, Suryashekhara Rasa, XRD

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