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Case Report

J. res. tradit. med. 2016; 2(6): 162-165

Clinical efficacy of external application of Dhanvayas (Fagonia indica Burm.f.) powder in the management of Vicharchika (Venous Stasis Dermatitis) - Two case Reports

Naresh Kumar Ghodela*, T.S. Dudhamal.


Background: Vicharchika (Venous stasis dermatitis) is characterized by Kandu, Pidaka, Shyava Varna and Bahu- Srava. Lower limb dermatitis (stasis dermatitis) is a common consequence of dermal changes secondary to chronic venous impairment that is in varicose veins. The skin becomes erythematous, scaly and pruritic due to venous stasis. In these cases the earlier signs, such as prominent supercial veins as well as pitting ankle oedema are observed. Early recognition of signs with appropriate diagnosis and timely treatment may prevent painful complications, such as non-healing venous leg ulcers. Aims and Objective: To assess the clinical effect of Dhanvayas powder in the management of Vicharchika (Venous stasis dermatitis). Methodology: The present case report is on two patients suffering from sequel of Vicharchika (Venous Stasis Dermatitis) due to varicose veins who attended the OPD of Shalya department of IPGT & RA, Jamnagar. The symptoms in both cases were pruritus, local oedema and serous discharge along with small pustules. These cases were treated with powder of whole Panchang (all the ve parts) of Dhanvayas (Fagonia indica Burm.f.) daily once as dressing material which continued for 2-3 weeks. Results: There was complete symptomatic relief in pruritus, local oedema and serous discharge. The discolouration of skin was remained as such. Conclusion: On the basis of this two case reports study it can be concluded that Dhanvayas can be used as effective local applicator along with internal administration of Khadirarista in the management of Vicharchika (venous stasis dermatitis).

Key words: Dhanvayas, Fagonia indica, Varicose Veins, Venous stasis dermatitis, Vicharchika

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