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Case Report

J. res. tradit. med. 2016; 2(6): 166-169

Effect of Virechana in the management of Oligoasthenozoospermia (Shukradushti): A Case Report

Rajdip R. Rao*, Anup B.Thakar, Nilesh N.Bhatt, Rahul Gandhi, Jayesh Odedra, Kalpana S Patel.


Background: Low sperm count (oligozoospermia) and reduced motility of sperms (asthenozoospermia) is the main causes of male infertility and it is correlated with Shukradushti (vitiation of sperm) and is a problem of global proportions. Worldwide infertility is affecting on an average 8-12% of couples. Infertile men may higher risk of developing other health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases and substance abuse disorders. Ayurveda advocated that, to produce a progeny four things are necessary i.e. Ritu (reproductive age and ovulation period), Kshetra (female reproductive tract), Ambu (nutritional factors) and Bija (sperm & ovum). If there is Dusti (disturbance) in any one of the above factors it would lead into infertility. The modern medical eld has now started realizing its importance and a new branch known as Andrology has been developed recently which is still in the process of producing a satisfactory management for the current problem. Virechana (medically induced purgation) is one among the ve cleansing procedure described in Ayurveda which is said to be benecial in reliving the disturbances of Dosha (bodily humour) & Dhatus (body tissue). Shukra being on among the seven Dhatus, Virechana has a signicant potential to relieve the vitiation/disturbances in it. Aim: To assess the efficacy of Virechana in the management of Oligoasthenozoospermia. Materials & Methods: The present case study is upon a 34 year old, diagnosed case of oligoasthenozoospermia who attended the Panchakarma OPD at Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India. Virechana was done as per the classical method. Assessment was done after Virechana and after 15 days of follow up. Result: The sperm analysis showed an increase of Total sperm count from 01 million/ml to 65 million/ml. Conclusion: Virechana procedure has shown an effective and safe method of increasing the sperm count to a signicant level along with the increase in sperm motility. Hence the therapy might may be of signicant benets in patients suffering from oligoasthenozoospermia.

Key words: Shukradushti, Virechana, Oligoasthenozoospermia

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