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Case Report

J. res. tradit. med. 2016; 2(6): 170-172

Early Clinical Diagnosis of Fever (Jwara) in Children - A Case Study

Jyothy Kothanath Bhaskaran*, Srihari Sheshagiri.


Background: Kaumarabhritya (Pediatrics) is one among the eight principal branches of Indian Traditional Medicine, Ayurveda. Clinical diagnosis in pediatric population is a major concern due to a number of limitations of the age group. Kashyapasamhita (Ancient medical treatise of Ayurveda dealing majorly with Pediatrics) depicts the guidelines for early clinical diagnosis of various disease in children. Jwara (Fever) is not just a clinical sign but a fully edged disease condition detailed in Ayurveda and the diagnosis of the same can be done by analyzing the premonitory symptoms. Aim: This case study aims is a clinical attempt for early diagnosis of fever in children with respect to premonitory symptoms. Materials & Methods: Questionnaire consisting of 10 Purvarupa (premonitory symptoms) of Jwara was prepared in which scores of 1 or 0 was given for presence or absence of symptoms. These symptoms were retrospectively recorded in a male child aged 1 year and 8 months who had the chief complaint of fever associated with mild cold and cough. Total score was given out of 10. Results: The total score of premonitory symptoms of fever in the child was 9 out of 10. Conclusion: Guidelines on the early clinical diagnosis of fever in children specied in Ayurveda can be observed clinically even at present era. These are to be considered in children for better management and prevention of various complications. Future studies in larger population in this regard may yield exact statistical relation between the same.

Key words: Purvarupa, Vedanadhyaya, Jwara, Children

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