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J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(3): 79-84

Pharmaceutico Analytical Study of Kamdudha Rasa - An Ayurveda Formulation

Pranjali Ramesh. langade, Anita Wanjari, Bharat Rathi, Dhiraj Singh Rajput.


BACKGROUND: Kamdudha Rasa is an Ayurvedic herbo-mineral preparation mentioned in classical text Rasaamritam. Kamdudha Rasa (KM) comes under the category of Kharliya Rasayana. Bhavana (levigation) is enumerated as one of the Samskaras (processes) which is helpful for the purpose of bringing about the desired alteration in mentioned drugs. AIM: To prepare Kamdudha Rasa and to analyze it by relevant analytical parameter. METHODOLOGY: Pharmaceutical processes were done in five phases, Preparation of Guduchi Sattva (powder of Tinospora cordifolia), Extraction of Amalaki Swarasa (fresh juice of Emblica officinalis), Shodhan (purification) of Swarna Gairik (SG) (Orche) with Go-Ghrita (cow ghee), Bhavana to Shodhit Swarna Gairik by fresh Amalaki Swarasa for 21 times and finally addition of Shodhit and Bhavit SG and Guduchi Sattva in mentioned quantity along with Mishri (sugar). This was followed by Physico-chemical Analysis of the finished product which included loss on drying, water soluble extractive value, alcohol soluble extractive value, pH, Particle size, bulk density, tap density and microbial load. RESULTS: Kamdudha Rasa, had analytical specifications such as 0.01% w/w loss on drying, 37.5% w/w water soluble extractive, 5.5% w/w alcohol soluble extractive, with pH 5.14. The trituration period was 6-7 hours a day for each Bhavana. At the end of Bhavana, the product showed all the features of Subhavita Lakshana (well levigated features). The final product yielded 38.88 % % weight gain. HPTLC of Guduchi Sattva matched with the standards at 254 and 366 nm. CONCLUSION: Bhavana plays an important role in increasing the quality of the product and therapeutic efficacy of the drugs. It is recommended to store KM in dry, sterile and airtight container as it is hygroscopic in nature.

Key words: Bhavana, Kamdudha Rasa, Physcico-chemical Analysis.

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