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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 880-883

Comparing the efficacy of low dose versus high dose PGE2 for IOL as a cost effective measure

Sadia Shafiq, Sadia Ghaffar, Qudsia Nawaz, Zubaida Shaheen, Farhan Iftikhar, Nazia Tufail.


Objective: To compare the efficacy of low dose prostaglandin with high dose for induction of labor.
Methodology: This randomized control study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore from January to June 2012. The sample size of 700 cases; 350 cases in each group was calculated with 5% significance level, 80% power of test and taking expected percentages of efficacy. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used.
Results: We divided 700 patients into two equal groups. Patients of group A were given 1.5 mg Prostaglandin E2 (low dose) and group B 3 mg Prostaglandin E2 (high dose). Achievement of induction within Groups was found as 77.1% (270) in Group A while it was 85.4% (299) in Group B. Efficacy between two groups was found to be significant (X2=7.898, p

Key words: Cost-effective, induction, IOL, labor, Prostaglandin E2.

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