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Original Article

Med Inn. 2017; 6(2): 46-49

Profile and outcome of neonates requiring mechanical ventilation

Kiruthika Dasamuthu, Ramesh Pattar, Bhuvaneshwari C. Yelamali, Raghavendra Vanaki.


Background: Assisted ventilation has become an indispensable part of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). It is one of the major supportive modality in NICU and it has definite impact on survival of sick neonates.
Objectives: 1. To study the common indications for mechanical ventilation in neonates
2. To study the factors affecting the outcome
Methods: This is a descriptive study done in 50 babies admitted to NICU at S. N. medical college during a period of one year. Information was collected in a pre- designed proforma and analysed.
Results: out of 50 neonates ventilated, 68.6% were male. Mean age, weight, gestational age were 1.56±2.05 days, 2000±690 g and 35.04±3.75 weeks respectively. 31(62%) neonates survived. HMD (34%), AOP (26%), Perinatal asphyxia (24%) were most common indications for ventilation. Mortality in AOP+HMD, HMD only, perinatal asphyxia, AOP only was 50%, 47.1%, 41.7%, 38.5% respectively. pH 15.5±4.09, PEEP mean >5.3±0.59, PEEP maximum>5.8± 0.98, RR mean>35±2.7, MAP mean >9.3± 2.0, MAP maximum>10.36±3.5 had significant correlation with mortality.(p

Key words: Mechanical Ventilation,Indications, Outcome.

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