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The Quality of Life in Chronic Patients in the Process of Rehabilitation

Alma Glinac, Lejla Matovic, Edina Saric, Vesna Bratovcic, Selma Sinanovic.


Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a correlation between self-evaluated quality of life, anxiety, depression, motivation, subjective-rated financial status, education, age and autonomous movements in patients with chronic conditions. Respondents and Methods: The study consecutively included 68 chronically ill patients, the average chronological age of 56.21 years. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale for self-evaluation of the quality of life of respondents was used to evaluate the presence of anxiety and depression, the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire-Short Form was used for self-evaluation of the quality of life, and the Visual analogue scale of motivation was used for self-evaluation of the level of motivation. Results: It was found that anxiety, depression, education, financial status, chronological age and mobility have a significant impact on the sense of satisfaction with the quality of life of patients with chronic diseases. Conclusions: These results are important for clinical practice, planning and delivery of health services, evaluation of the implemented public health measures.

Key words: the quality of life, chronic disease, self-evaluation, factors.

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