Introduction: Diabetes is reaching epidemiological scales worldwide. Beside health implications diabetes bears significant financial impact on health systems. Different treatment options aiming to prevent diabetes complications are available. Dipeptidyl-peptidase-IV (DPP-4) inhibitors like linagliptin are usually add-on therapy to metformin in order to achieve glycemic control. Expenditure for oral antidiabetic medicines in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is low accounting for only 2.53% of the total drug market expenditure. Linagliptin is not reimbursed in B&H mainly due to its perception of high cost medication. Aim: To assess budget impact (BI) of introducing linagliptin into health insurance reimbursement list in B&H through development of the budget impact model (BIM). Material and methods: Budget impact model was developed using Microsoft Excel 2010 based on current legislation and practice in B&H. Local epidemiology data and data on drug consumption from government reports in 2014 were used. Two scenarios with three-year time horizon have been developed: 1) without and 2) with linagliptin reimbursed and compared. Results: Inclusion of linagliptin into reimbursement list in Canton Sarajevo and Canton Tuzla would have positive budget impact on national level of B&H resulting in total savings of 18,194, 235,570 and 699,472, in 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively. Conclusion: Introduction of linagliptin into reimbursement list would decrease total costs for DPP-4 inhibitors and is favorable for positive decision on reimbursement in B&H. Applying BIM in decision making would assure better allocation and planning of resources at any region or administrative level in B&H.
Key words: budget impact, linagliptin, pharmacoeconomics, reimbursement, diabetes, DPP-4 inhibitors.