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Early Screening of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy

Senaid Trnacevic, Edin Nislic, Emir Trnacevic, Emir Tulumovic.


Introduction: Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) is a chronic irreversible interstitial sclerosis, for which over the last 25 years, chronic exposure to aristolochic acid from the contaminated cereal seeds has been considered the most likely cause. The aim of our research is to reevaluate trends of disease and to try to obtain new information about practical implementing of in-field screening of BEN, and to find indicators or a reliable biomarker for an early detection of the disease, especially for in field conditions. Patients and methods: Study was conducted in two phases (two groups of respondents). The first group related to respondents with BEN and microalbuminuria in the family. After filling out the questionnaire and following the consent of the respondents, their medical records were taken, and they were subjected to clinical examination and laboratory tests as well as to abdominal ultrasound and urinary tract examination. Results: For a long time, the disease is asymptomatic, with no hypertension, anemia or disturbed glucoregulation. Only A1M values were increased in the second group (16.22 mg), whereas A1M/CrUrine value was normal in both groups. Renal function in form of creatinine clearence and size of kidneys were in their referent values. Conclusion: The early stages of the disease are nonspecific, with no hypertension and disturbed glucoregulation, with normal renal function and blood count. The kidney size was in referent values. The only reliable symptom in the early stage of the renal disease was microalbuminuria.

Key words: balkan endemic nephropathy, renal function, microalbuminuria.

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