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Assessment of Hygiene Habits in Acrylic Denture Wearers: a Cross-sectional Study

Georges Aoun, Elie Gerges.


Objectives: To assess the denture hygiene habits in a population of Lebanese denture wearers. Materials and Methods: One hundred and thirty-two (132) patients [71 women (53.8%) and 61 men (46.2%)] wearing their acrylic dentures for more than two years were included in this study. The hygiene methods related to their dentures were evaluated and the data obtained were analyzed statistically using the IBM® SPSS® statistics 20.0 (USA) statistical package. Results: Regardless of the cleaning technique, the big majority of our participants [123 out of 132 (93.1%)] cleaned their dentures daily. The two mostly used denture cleaning techniques were rinsing with tap water (34.1%) and brushing with toothpaste (31.8%). Nearly half of our patients (45.5%) soaked their dentures during the night; most of them with cleansing tablets dissolved in water (28.8%). Conclusions: Within the limitations of our study, it was concluded that in a sample of Lebanese population surveyed about denture hygiene habits, the daily frequency of denture cleaning is satisfactory, but the techniques and products used were self-estimated and, consequently, not sufficient.

Key words: denture hygiene; habits; Lebanese; population.

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