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Designing and Implementation of a Heart Failure Telemonitoring System

Reza Safdari, Maryam Jafarpour, Mehrshad Mokhtaran, Nasim Naderi.


Introduction: The aim of this study was to identify patients at-risk, enhancing self-care management of HF patients at home and reduce the disease exacerbations and readmissions. Method: In this research according to standard heart failure guidelines and Semi-structured interviews with 10 heart failure Specialists, a draft heart failure rule set for alerts and patient instructions was developed. Eventually, the clinical champion of the project vetted the rule set. Also we designed a transactional system to enhance monitoring and follow up of CHF patients. With this system, CHF patients are required to measure their physiological measurements (vital signs and body weight) every day and to submit their symptoms using the app. additionally, based on their data, they will receive customized notifications and motivation messages to classify risk of disease exacerbation. The architecture of system comprised of six major components: 1) a patient data collection suite including a mobile app and website; 2) Data Receiver; 3) Database; 4) a Specialists expert Panel; 5) Rule engine classifier; 6) Notifier engine. Results: This system has implemented in Iran for the first time and we are currently in the testing phase with 10 patients to evaluate the technical performance of our system. The developed expert system generates alerts and instructions based on the patientÂ’s data and the notify engine notifies responsible nurses and physicians and sometimes patients. Detailed analysis of those results will be reported in a future report. Conclusion: This study is based on the design of a telemonitoring system for heart failure self-care that intents to overcome the gap that occurs when patients discharge from the hospital and tries to accurate requirement of readmission. A rule set for classifying and resulting automated alerts and patient instructions for heart failure telemonitoring was developed. It also facilitates daily communication among patients and heart failure clinicians so any deterioration in health could be identified immediately.

Key words: heart failure, telemonitoring, telemonitoring system, design.

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