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Frequency of Acccessory Renal Arteries Diagnosed by Computerized Tomography

Sabina Prevljak, Edin Prelevic, Salih Mesic, Odey Ali Abud, Spomenka Kristic, Sandra Vegar-Zubovic.


Introduction: Accessory renal arteries play a significant role in kidney and abdominal aorta surgery, and renovascular hypertension. In the published literature, the frequency varies considerably, depending on the size of the sample, the method of examination and the ethnic group. Materials and Methods: The aim of this study is to determine the general frequency of accessory renal arteries, their frequency in relation to gender, the origin and the vascularization area, and to determine the differences in left-right and bilateral distribution. Results and Discussion: CT scans of 1357 patients were retrospectively analyzed. Accessory renal arteries were recorded in 35.5% of patients, with a statistically significant difference in male and female incidence (p

Key words: Accessory, Renal, Arteries, CT.

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