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Making Use of H-index: the Shape of Science at the University of Sarajevo

Haris Memisevic, Irzada Taljic, Amra Macak Hadziomerovic.


Introduction: Quantifying science and scientific contribution has become one of the main tasks in evaluating researchers and their impact. How do we value research and science in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)? Scientific community has mostly agreed upon that one of the best ways to value researchers is through their h-index value. However, there are many databases and services from which h-index can be retrieved. Aim: To describe different databases and services such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus and Researchgate in evaluating the researcher. An additional aim of this paper is to present “the shape” of science at the University of Sarajevo and to examine what are the best predictors of h-index. Materials and methods: We analyzed the data from 100 Google Scholar Profiles of researchers from University of Sarajevo. Results: The study showed some benefits and shortcomings of mentioned databases and services. Most researchers in the sample were from natural sciences, in particular from the field of medicine. The mean value of h-index in relation to the researcher’s gender was not statistically significant. We conclude the article with some ideas on how to improve the visibility of researchers from BIH.

Key words: h-index, databases, Google Scholar, University of Sarajevo.

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