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Review Article

Health Professionals Information for Diagnostics Related Groups (DRGs) with the Use of a Website

Aikaterini Bizopoulou, Andrianna Mangita, Costis Chardalias, Panagiotis Coutonias, Marianna Diomidous.


Introduction: The aim of this research is to inform the health professionals about the ways of introducing and operating the the Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG’s) system in the Hellenic National Health System, through the use of the development technologies. An effort is also made to explore the main dimensions of the implementation of the DRG’s system, in specific European-Countries that have both adopted the public coverage schemes and the Bismarck health insurance institutions for countries with extensive experience in their implementation Material and methods: A review of the literature was attempted to investigate the ways of financing of the health services, and of the identification and functionality of the DRG’s as well as of the methods used by European countries to investigate this prospective compensation system. Results: The efficient application of DRGs gives the possibility to improve the economic management of Greek hospitals by retaining the costs and consequently contributing to the wise and effective management of hospital expenses. A short training of health professionals on the importance of DRGs in the effective running of Greek hospitals, led to the development of a website. This website will give information on this new method of pricing of hospital health services provided, and will contribute to the overall improvement of health services. Conclusion: Introduction of DRGs , in Greek hospitals will establish a positive condition to solve many emerging health issues and to improve the overall functionality of the health system. Additionally, with the proper implementation of the DRG;s, the financial management of the Greek hospitals, can be improved by keeping the costs down through the proper utilization of the available resources.

Key words: The Diagnosis Related Groups, Hellenic National Health System, Hospital Reimbursement.

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