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NNJ. 2015; 4(1): 3-4

Quality of working life for nurses in a healthy work environment - An over view

Mrs. Ch. Roja Rani.


“An educated nurse work force in a healthy work environment results in High Quality care”
Adequately trained and motivated health professionals in sufficient numbers are essential for Global Health. Nurses have a great responsibility to improve the health of the population, as the only available health professionals to the people.The Policies and procedures which lead to dissatisfaction include lack of participation in decision making related to patient care and organization
development, lack of recognition for their accomplishments and best deeds, lack of respect by co-workers and top administrators etc.
 Some studies shows the results as the nurses are dissatisfied with their co-workers especially physicians, where they experienced low respect, appreciation and support career development and growth for nurses is hardly available in both Government and private
sectors towards promotions, higher education, in service training or continuing Nursing education.  In terms of work environment, nurses are concerned about safety in work place. In addition to inadequacy of patient care supplies and equipment, lack of minimum facilities for storage, rest, safe drinking water and toilets are also triggering unrest in nurses.

Key words: Quality, working life, nurses, healthy work environment

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