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NNJ. 2015; 4(1): 28-30

A quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on the knowledge regarding the ill effects of alcoholism among labourers

Mrs. BM. Madhavi.


Introduction: “First the man takes the drink, then the drink takes the drink, then the drink takes the man”. The term Alcoholism was first used in 1849 by Magnus Huss, a physician to describe the systematic adverse effects of alcoholism. Alcohol is a group of substances the technical name of alcohol beverage is Ethanol or Ethyl alcohol; popularly, it is known as Alcohol. Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge of labourers regarding the ill effects of alcoholism. 2. To develop and conduct a structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding ill effects of alcoholism. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme among labourers on ill effects of alcoholism among labourers. 4. To find out the association between knowledge scores
of labourers and selected socio demographic variables. Hypothesis of the study: H1: There is a statistically significant difference between the pre test and post test Knowledge scores among labourers. H2: There is statistically significant association between
knowledge on selected socio demographic variables of labourers regarding ill effects of alcoholism. Methodology:The data was collected by using a structured Interview Schedule. 100 Labourers were selected by non-probability convenience sampling. The
data collection instrument was a Structured questionnaire to assess knowledge in Pre and Post test. RESULT: Highest (27.217%) knowledge score in aspect wise pre - test mean knowledge score on ill effects of alcoholism was found in the aspect of Alcoholism.
d Highest (77.041%) knowledge score in aspect wise post-test mean knowledge score on ill effects of alcoholism was also found in the aspect of prevention The post-test mean knowledge score was found higher (75.211%) when compared with pre-test mean
knowledge score (24.789%). CONCLUSION: The study concluded that structured teaching programme was effective in improving the knowledge of labour regarding ill effects of alcohol.

Key words: effectiveness, structured teaching programme, knowledge,ill effects, alcoholism, labourers

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