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NNJ. 2017; 6(1): 18-22

Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on level of knowledge regarding dengue fever among women at selected rural areas, Nellore.

Dr. Indira. S, Mrs. B. Vanaja Kumari, Mrs. B. Kalpana.


Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection, transmitted to humans by the bite of infected females of the main vector Aedes aegypti and to lesser extent Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Severe dengue is a potentially deadly complication due to plasma leaking, fluid accumulation, respiratory distress, severe bleeding, or organ impairment. For the effective health education strategy the present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on dengue fever among women. objectives: 1. To assess the Pre and post test level of knowledge on Dengue fever among women 2.To determine the effectiveness of Structured teaching programme on level of knowledge regarding Dengue fever among women 3. To associate the Pre test and Post test level of knowledge on Dengue fever among women with their selected socio demographic variables. Methodology: An Evaluative study by using pre experimental one group pre test and post test design was used, a sample size of 100 women’s were selected by using simple random Sampling technique, Semi structured questionnaire were used to assess the pre test level of knowledge among women on Dengue fever and an Structured teaching programme was given and post test level of knowledge was assessed. Results: – Paired‘t’ test value was 40.125 at p

Key words: Dengue fever, knowledge, women, structured teaching programme.

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