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Review Article

Privatization of Saudi health-care system and its significant effect: A review

Ahmed Mohammed Hazazi, Sriram Chandramohan.

Cited by 0 Articles

This is a review paper focusing on privatization of health-care delivery system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its potential impact. 30 suitable literature were identified from a database out of which only 20 were relevant after reading the abstract, and finally, only nine relevant papers from literature search and seven more papers from the references were included in the review. Although privatizing the Saudi health-care system has some benefits and challenges, there is no strong scientific evidence to support the privatization of health-care system in Saudi Arabia. It is recommended that prior starting the privatization, the Saudi Government should make suitable policies and plans to overcome the challenges.

Key words: Privatization; Health-care Privatization; Saudi Health-care Delivery System Conversion

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