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Letter to the Editor

Med Arch. 2020; 74(5): 399-402

Physical Activity Outdoors as an Alternative to Lockdown: the Three Cs Strategy

Sylwia Ufnalska.


Basing on scientific evidence and discussions with many people about COVID-19, an outline of the Three Cs Strategy is presented as an alternative to lockdown. The suggested solutions – eg encouraging regular physical activity outdoors (also for symptomless quarantined people), frequent ventilation with fresh air, and more careful use of antipyretics – can markedly help to reduce the rate of transmission of this disease. The new strategy is also likely to lower the risk of mental disorders and various diseases, thanks to promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The outline should be discussed and refined in the future, to improve public health worldwide.

Key words: Three Cs Strategy, COVID-19, physical activity outdoors, antipyretics, healthy lifestyle

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