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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2017; 26(1): 1-5

Perception of Smile Esthetics by Orthodontists, Non-Dental and Dental Students: A Comparative Study

Khurram Parvez Sardar, Alizey Shahid, Ahmed Moiz, Yamna Nadeem, Amna Nayyar.


INTRODUCTION: Perception and the self-esteem of the individuals in regards to their dentition was investigated and compared to check what impact it has on one’s smile. The comparison is made on three different levels of professionalism.

METHODOLOGY: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan. Convenience sampling was used to select orthodontists, general dental students and non-dental students, mainly medical and pharmacy students in the premises of Dow University of Health Sciences, Ojha Campus. Sample size of the study was 580. The proforma consisted of questions and pictures, which were rated from 0 to 100 (using the Visual Analogue Scale), with 0 being least attractive to 100 being most attractive. The VAS values representing the aesthetic perception were statistically analyzed using a mean and one-way ANOVA.

RESULT: Comparison among three different groups (non-dental students, dental students and orthodontists) was done, and the results were significant. Accordingly orthodontist response show that they are more pleased with their appearance (85%) as compared to than dental (19%) and non-dental students (30%).

CONCLUSION: There was a significant difference found when compared other two responses with the orthodontist one’s. With almost similar result found between dental student and non-dental.

Key words: Perception, smile, esthetics, VAS

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