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Case Report

J Pak Dent Assoc. 2017; 26(1): 39-43

A Maxillary Molar with Seven Canal Orifices; An Endodontic Rarity

Fahad Umer, Muhammad Rizwan Nazeer, Samira Adnan.


Lack of knowledge regarding basic root canal anatomy and its variations are the main factors responsible for unpredictable treatment outcome. Numerous studies have reported diversity in the root canal morphology of all teeth, and the maxillary 1st molar is no exception. The purpose of this paper is to report a successful nonsurgical endodontic treatment of a maxillary 1st molar with seven canal orifices. The description of the procedure performed aims to emphasize the need for clinicians to be attentive of variations in root canal anatomy of any teeth that undergoes root canal treatment.

Key words: Maxillary molar, endodontic treatment, Canal orifice, Unusual Anatomy

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