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J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(3): 85-90

Management of Grahani Dosha in Children with Devadarvyadi Vati

Maleka Raisbhai Vhora, Rahul Ghuse, Virendra Kori, Rajagopala Shrikrishna, Kalpana S Patel.


BACKGROUND: In Ayurveda conditions like Udarashula (Abdominal Pain), Ajeerna (Indigestion), Aruchi (Anorexia), Adhmana (Distended abdomen), Alasya (Fatigue), Muhurbaddha Muhurshithila Malapravrutti (irregular bowel habits especially with altered bowel consistency) have been described under Grahani Dosha (Gastro- Intestinal disorder). In Grahani Dosha, Mala (Stool) is in the form of Pakva (formed stool) or Apakva (Unformed stool). Acharya Charaka has mentioned Devadarvyadi Churna (powder) for the management of Grahani Dosha. AIM: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of Devadarvyadi Vati in Grahani Dosha. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Due to less acceptability, of Churna in children Vati (tablet) form of the drug was prepared and its therapeutic efficacy was tested. The present study was an outpatient based clinical trial with pre and post-test design. In 22 patients of Grahani Dosha, Devadarvyadi Vati was given for four weeks and reviewed at the interval of 7 days during the treatment. Effect of therapy was assessed after 4 weeks using subjective and objective parameters. RESULTS: Devadarvyadi Vati provided highly significant result (p

Key words: Children, Devadarvyadi Vati, Grahani Dosha, Gastro-Intestinal Disorders

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