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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2473-2478

Role Of Women In Environmental Movement In India

Upama Saikia.


Environmental movements are organized from time to time in various parts of the world for the protection and conservation of environment. Environment is degraded due to the over exploitation of natural resources and over population growth. Human beings have been posing threat to the environment to fulfill their own needs. Women have been playing a vital role since ancient time without bothering about their lives. Women have always been close contact with nature for their household management therefore they can better be understanding the pain of nature and always been overprotective towards nature. Various environmental movements like Bishnoi movement, Chipko Movement, Aapiko movement, Silent valley movement and Narmada Bachao Andolan are the significant environmental movement of India that reflect the integral leadership of women. Women always plays a pivotal role whether it was conservation of biodiversity or water resource or against the construction of hydroelectric project. The government of India has adopted various policies and programmes which include women as decision-makers when making environmental policies by increasing women participation in the grassroots level and spread awareness towards conservation of environment. But India long miles to go to make equitable gender sensitive environmental policies in true sense.

Key words: Environmental movement, women, water resource, grassroots level, gender sensitive.

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