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Review Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(1): 364-369

Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders: a brief review

Mohammed Abed A. Bukhari, Meshal Ahmed Mubark Alghtani, Ziyad Sultan Aljohani, Abdullah Abdulghani A Qasem, Ibrahim Hamed M. Alhazmi.


Sleep is a function of all living organisms; it is essential for survival and maintaining mental and physical health. There are five stages of sleep in humans. The disturbance of the sleeping pattern or behaviors refers to sleep disorders. There are several sleep disorders; the most common disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, and narcolepsy. The present study aims to review previous literature available and provide insight on the diagnosis and treatment of the most common sleep disorders. The online databases Google Scholar and PubMed as well as Research Gate were used to perform a literature search for publications published between 2013 and 2019, without any date or language restrictions. We used a combination of relevant search terms “sleep disorders, treatment, diagnosis, management.” We obtained 33 articles related to our subject; after the revision of the titles of the articles, the abstract, reviewing the main titles inside articles and the years of publications, we included only 10 articles. We excluded 23 articles as they were either duplicate of other articles, repeating the same information, or not concentrating on the current subject. The correct diagnosis of sleep disorder was found to be a crucial step for the correct and successful management. The treatment of the patient is based on the type of disease, its severity, and the comorbidities of the patient.

Key words: Sleep disorders, classification, diagnosis, treatment

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