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Determining the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Life Expectancy and Anxiety Among Bereaved Patients

Tayebeh Malmir, Hedayat Jafari, Zahra Ramezanalzadeh, Jabbar Heydari.


Introduction: Acceptance and commitment therapy tries to increase one’s psychological acceptance regarding subjective experiences (thoughts, feelings, etc.,) and in turn, decrease ineffective control actions. Aim: The current study was conducted with the aim to investigate the effect of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on the amount of life expectancy and anxiety among bereaved patients. Material and Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental study with pretest–post-test control group design. The statistical population included all bereaved patients aged between 20-40 who referred to counseling and treatment centers and psychiatric clinics in Tehran in 2015. Bereaved patients were identified through convenient random sampling method amongst patients and based on clinical diagnosis of psychiatrist treating patients. Thirty four persons were chosen and were randomly assigned in two 17- persons experimental and control groups. Both groups were evaluated at two stages of pre-test and post-test through anxiety scale (Spielberger STAI-y 1970) and life expectancy (Schneider, 1991). Findings: Conducted investigation shows that the average life expectancy in the experimental group has increased from 12.40 to 23.30 after acceptance and commitment therapy. Moreover, the average of anxiety scores in the experimental group has decreased in post-test from 121.20 to 79.10 after acceptance and commitment therapy. Results of covariance analysis revealed that the experimental group subjects experienced a significant lower level of anxiety than those in control group (p

Key words: anxiety, life expectancy, acceptance and commitment therapy.

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