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The Relationship Between Research Anxiety and Self-Efficacy

Seyed Aliasghar Razavi, Afsaneh Shahrabi, Hasan Siamian.


Aim of the study: The aim of this research was to study of the relationship between research anxiety and self-efficacy from viewpoints of students at the Islamic Azad University (Babol Branch). Methods: The present study is applied research which using a survey and has done by descriptive approach. The study sample included of MA and PhD Students of which 312 were selected Stratified randomness at Islamic Azad University (Babol Branch). The instrument used for data collection, including two standard questionnaires, General Self-Efficacy Questionnaire and research anxiety Inventory. For data analyzing used, Linear regression test and analysis of variance. Findings: Multiple correlation coefficient between the variables is equal to R=0.385, which represents the correlation between variables (self-efficacy and research anxiety). The significance level for research anxiety was calculated less than the error rate is calculated, therefore, it can be considered a good predictor for efficacy. Gender and education variables due to the attention of higher levels of predictive cannot be considered so significant for efficacy Conclusion: There is a significant negative relationship between research anxiety and self-efficacy. There is no relationship between demographic characteristics and self-efficiency.

Key words: research anxiety, self-efficacy, students.

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