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High Burden of Stroke Risk Factors in Developing Country: the Case Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Marija Bender, Edin Jusufovic, Vesna Railic³, Sima Kelava, Selma Tinjak, Damir Dzevdetbegovic, Dario Mot, Mensuda Tresnjo, Sandra Lakicevic, Natasa Pejanovic-Skobic, Osman Sinanovic.


Introduction: The burden of stroke has been increasing worldwide, especially in developing countries. Very few data regarding epidemiology of stroke are available in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). Patients and methods: We undertook a retrospective hospital-based study in all hospitals existing in five cantons and one district of BH. The patients were recruited between January 1st, 2014, and December 31st, 2014, and only first-ever-in-lifetime strokes (FES) were included for evaluation. Results: A FES was diagnosed in 1479 patients (age 71.83 ± 11.703 years) during the study period. FES occurred in 709 men (47.9%; age 69.64 ±12.002 years) and 770 women (52.1%; age 73.85± 11.051 years). Stroke was categorized into ischemic stroke (IS), primary intracerebral hemorrhage (PICH), subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), which was diagnosed in 84%, 12,2%, 3,4% and 0,4% cases respectively. Early 28-day case-fatality was 18.5 % for all patients and both sexes combined. Short-term case-fatality was significantly greater in women (P=0.007). Among all patients with FES, 87% had hypertension, 35% diabetes mellitus, 39% hypercholesterolemia and almost 25 % atrial fibrillation. Discussion: This is the first study that provides us with information on epidemiology of stroke in BH. More than 90% of patients had one or more modifiable risk factors and the number would be even higher if we included smoking. The early stroke case-fatality was lower than that observed in other low- to middle-income countries. Conclusion: All modifiable stroke risk factors, especially high blood pressure, should be understood as a major public health problem in BH and efforts should be focused on the primary prevention of stroke. Our emphasis is on the designing of a stroke register in BH for a better health planning.

Key words: Bosnia and Herzegovina, stroke, case-fatality, epidemiology, hospital-based.

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