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Exploring the Added Value of Women Health Care Managers in Poland

Katarzyna Czabanowska, Alicja Domaga& 322;a, Stavroula Kalaitzi, Aleksandra Krogulec, Genc Burazeri, Suzanne Babich.


Introduction: Female managers in the Polish health care system are seldom a subject of scientific investigation. Material and Methods: This study describes the share and profile of women in health care management positions and explores how and why Polish female health care managers add value to the leadership of health care organizations. Three data collection methods were used including: scoping review, analysis of data from governmental information bases and in-depth interviews with female health care managers. Results: Men comprise nearly twice the number of hospital directors in Poland as compared to women, or 67% of the total representation. Traits often attributed to women including strength, perseverance, multi-tasking, empathy, emotional intelligence and intuition add value in leadership roles. Polish women managers value the complementarity of genders in professional roles and their contribution to constructive collaboration. Conclusion: The study contributes to the scarce literature on Polish female health care managers.

Key words: health care management, female leadership, gender equity.

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