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Review Article

Analysis of Food Toxin Trends in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Over Five Years Period

Salih Tandir, Adnan Mujezinovic, Suad Sivic, Aida Sivic, Lejla Lihic Tandir.


Introduction: Alimentary toxoinfections represent a significant public health problem. Globalization of the market and food production, significant impoverishment of a large part of the population, and traditional approach with food preparation and consumption, cause a significant increase in the rates of population infections around the world. The epidemiological surveillance of the illness occurrence plays a significant role in monitoring and controlling the population’s burden of diseases caused by unhygienically prepared and stored food. Aim: The aim of the article is to determine the rates and trends of food related diseases in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results: The results of the analysis have shown that the rate of illness in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is declining but is still significantly higher than in developed western countries. Particularly great burden is on the population of the Zenica-Doboj Canton (ZDC), which can be due to the traditional relation to the preparation and storage of food, as well as to the relatively poorer economic situation in ZDC. Conclusion: We can conclude that the strengthening of the monitoring system, laboratory capacities, the availability of monitoring guides will enable responsible FBiH/Bosnia and Herzegovina institutions to better control and implement safer food practice.

Key words: food poisoning, salmonella, epidemics.

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