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Lower Jaw Grip Strength in Healthy and Sick Population Measured by Special Force Transducer

Dino Dizdarevic, Tarik Masic, Edi Muslic.


Introduction: One of the basic chronic diseases of the MFH domain that is treated on an outpatient basis is temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). It represents a number of pathological conditions that lead to the dysfunction of the normal function of the stomatognatic system. Observing the etiologic factors of this condition, temporomandibular TM trauma, poor habits such as infantile type of swallowing, tongue depression, and tectogenic disturbance of the myofunctional squamous system are reported in order to reconstruct the defects of neighboring regions. Material and Methods: The study included 60 patients divided into 3 groups: Group I without predetermined temporomandibular dysfunction,Group II with TMD, and Group III where one of the muscles of the masticatory group was used during the reconstruction procedure. Results: Statistically obtained results show that in group III there is a large difference in postoperative measurement after 6 weeks. Discussion: In the mentioned patients divided into three groups, the measurement of the pressure strength expressed in N follows certain states with it measured values, which coincides with comparative studies. Conclusion: From the obtained results we conclude that the parameter used, the strength of the lower jaw bite is a significant indicator of the chewing system functioning.

Key words: MD (temporomandibular dysfunction), temporomandibular joint, tongue depression, swallowing type, healthy population, surgical patients

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