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Review Article

Telemedicine in Cardiology - Perspectives in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nabil Naser, Salih Tandir, Edin Begic.


Introduction: Aim of article was to present perspectives of telemedicine in the field of cardiology in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Material and methods: Article has descriptive character and present review of literature. Results: Information technology can have the application in the education of students, starting from basic medical sciences up to clinical subjects. Information technologies are used for ECG analysis, 24h ECG Holter monitoring, which detects different rhythm disorders. By developing software packages for electrocardiogram analysis, which can be divided and interpreted by mobile phones, and complete the whole of the patient in the ambulance, specialist, experienced specialists, or even consultations in various illnesses and cities. Image segmentation algorithms have significance in the quantization and diagnostics of anatomic and pathological structures, and 3D representation has an important role in education, topography and clinical anatomy, radiology, pathology, as well as in clinical cardiology itself, especially in the sphere of coronary arteries identification in the multislice computerized angiography of coronary arteries. Interactive video consultations with subspecialists from the state and the region in adult cardiology, adult interventional cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, pediatric invasive and non-invasive cardiology enable better access to heart specialists and subspecialist, accurate diagnosis, better treatment, reduction of mortality, and a significant reduction in costs. Conclusion: Telemedicine by slow steps in entering the soil of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but the potential exists. It is necessary to educate the medical staff, as well as to provide a tempting environment for software engineers. Investing in infrastructure and equipment is imperative, as well as a positive climate for the its implementation.

Key words: telemedicine, cardiology, software engineering.

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