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Splenic Localization of Primary Hydatid Cyst in a 27-Year-Old Sportsman Treated by PAIR Technique: Imaging Anatomy Assessment

Dzenan Jahic, Eldan Kapur, Edin Begic, Enver Zerem.


Introduction: In this paper, we report our experience with a case of primary hydatid cyst involving only the spleen in a 27-year-old sportsman treated by PAIR technique. Case Report: Five years before, a 27-year-old handball player being admitted to our hospital, it was detected the cyst in his spleen which size was 35 x 30 mm in diameter, by abdominal ultrasound during a systematic examination. There was no pain or any other symptoms at that time. Tests on the presence of echinococcus cysts were negative. After a period of 5 years, and regular check-ups, the patient began to feel a dull pain in the left upper quadrant area. The Echinococcus test was again negative. Puncture and aspiration of content was performed and sent to cytological analysis that confirmed the presence of Echinococcus. The CT finding showed the spleen in a normal position, shape, enlarged, 185 mm in longitudinal diameter (splenomegaly), with inhomogeneous parenchyma on the expense of rounded area with hyperdense halo, which did not opacify after contrast, located in the dorsal area of the spleen, 100x98 mm in diameter and which corresponded to the echinococcal cyst in differential diagnosis–clean dense contents (protein / haemorrhagic). Conclusion: The reported case is very specific, considering that handball is contact sport, where it is almost impossible to avoid the physical contact between players, which is sometimes even rough. Due to rough contacts, spleen trauma is something we should be very aware about, especially in cases of splenomegaly with hydatid cyst, where the spleen rupture might lead to fatal outcome. According to all this, careful follow up of this patient is necessary.

Key words: primary hydatid disease, spleen, rare localization, PAIR technique.

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