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IJHRS. 2017; 6(2): 47-61

Comparison of Balance between Subjects with COPD and Normal Individuals- A Comparative Study

Suresh Babu Reddy, Nataraj Madagondapalli Srinivasan, Anil Kumar, Vinod Babu..


Background: Recent studies on western population have shown that there is reduction in the functional balance and mobility in individuals with COPD relative to healthy controls. There is a need to find the level of balance affected in subjects with COPD compared with normal individuals in Indian population especially in Bangalore at ESIC model Hospital.
Objectives: The purpose of the study is to find the level of balance affected between subjects with COPD compare with normal individuals.
.Materials and methods: A Comparative study design, 50 moderate COPD subjects and 50 Normal subjects with age group between 45 to 60 years were selected into COPD group and Normal group. Both groups were evaluated for functional balance using outcome measurements. Outcome measures such as Berg Balance Scale, Timed Up and Go Test, Single limb Stance time, and The Activities Balance Confidence scale were measured in both the groups.
Results: Comparative analysis using Independent ‘t’ test as a parametric and Mann Whitney U test as a non-parametric test there is a statistically significant reduction in means of Berg Balance Scale, Timed Up and Go Test, Single limb Stance time, and Activity specific balance Scale in subjects with moderate COPD compared with normal subjects.
Conclusion: It is concluded that subjects with moderate COPD shown reduced functional balance compared to normal individuals.

Keywords: Moderate COPD, functional balance, berg balance scale, Timed Up and Go Test, Single limb Stance time, Activity specific balance Scale

Key words: Moderate COPD, functional balance, berg balance scale, Timed Up and Go Test, Single limb Stance time, Activity specific balance Scale

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