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Case Report

NMJ. 2017; 6(2): 30-32

Pure motor aphasia: An uncommon presentation of left middle cerebral artery territory infarct

1.M Rajesh Kumar, MD 2.Amit Agrawal, M.Ch.


Middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion commonly causes sensory and motor deficits
on contralateral side of the body. Aphasia is a common consequence of left hemispheric lesion
with a prevalence of one-third of all stroke patients in acute phase. The course and outcome of
aphasia depend greatly on the type of aphasia and as in present case, the conservative
management including early intensive speech therapy results in spontaneous recovery in speech
functions. We report a 35 year old male patient presented with sudden onset of speech
abnormality in the form of lack of clarity three days without any improvement or deterioration.

Key words: Pure motor aphasia, cerebral infarct, stroke.

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