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IJHRS. 2017; 6(3): 149-158

Leadership Behaviour; Organizational Development

Saba Malik Azeem, Wasif Ali Wazir.


The main purpose of my research paper is to how leadership behaviour effects the productivity and development of an organization, When organization culture reflecting the outcomes of the employees. This paper is a conceptual based paper that gives the theoretical evidence to support the idea. This conceptual based paper with the help of literature review leadership qualities on the base of development. The result of this paper suggests that leadership behaviour is a powerful tool of an organizational development, when the organizational culture represents the employee’s values about their outcomes in the organization. Job satisfaction level is greater if the organization will meet their expectations which are the part of organization culture so the employee’s outcomes are greater with the satisfaction of job in the organization. Although this relationship is very important for improving the development, maintenance, and performance of organizations, previous research has not actually explored them. This research paper gives a new direction and introduces new source and ideas to improve leadership qualities to increase the productivity, development outcomes and maintenance of organizations.

Key words: Leadership behaviour, Organizational culture, Job satisfaction level, organizational development.

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