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Value of hysteroscopy after one in vitro fertilization failure

Gorkem Tuncay.


To investigate the relationship between abnormal findings and the cost effectiveness of performing a hysteroscopy after one in vitro fertilization (IVF) failure. The cases of 110 patients with a normal ultrasound of the endometrial cavity and a history of one IVF treatment failure who had been referred to the Inonu University School of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology between June 2014 and November 2017 were recruited for this study. The median age of patients was 31.7 ± 5.7 years. Intrauterine pathologies were observed in 29 (26.3%) patients, whereas 81 (73.7%) patients exhibited a normal hysteroscopy. The distribution of the pathologies was as follows: a uterine subseptum existed in 9 (8.1%) women, an intrauterine adhesion existed in 8 (7.2%) women, a cervical stenosis existed in 4 women (3.6%), an endometrial polyp existed in 4 women (3.6%), and a submucosal myoma uteri existed in 3 women (2.7%). Two abnormalities (intrauterine adhesion and cervical stenosis) existed together in one patient. A routine hysteroscopy is necessary for women with a normal ultrasound of the endometrial cavity after one IVF failure, meaning that women with a normal ultrasound should be offered a routine hysteroscopy.

Key words: Hysteroscopy, intrauterine pathologies, in vitro fertilization

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