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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2603-2610

Eco - Tourism And Sustainable Nature In Thiruvananthapuram District

Dr. Nalayini S. V..


Eco-tourism is catering for holiday makers in the natural environment without damaging it or disturbing habitats. It is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to standard commercial mass tourism. It means responsible travel to natural areas, conserving the environment, and improving the well-being of the local people. Its purpose may be to educate the traveller, to provide funds for ecological conservation, to directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities, or to foster respect for different cultures and for human rights. Since 1980s, eco-tourism has been considered a critical endeavour by environmentalists, so that future generations may experience destinations relatively untouched by human intervention. Several university programmes use this description as the working definition of eco-tourism.

Key words: Eco-Tourism, Environment, Attractions, Sustainable Tourism, Eco Development.

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