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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2611-2621

Role Of Women In Decision Making Process Of A Family: An Ethnographic Study On Women Of Matak Community In Dibrugarh District Of Assam

Sukanya Baruah.


Women play a crucial role every spheres from family to society. Within family they play an active role through various images as mother, wife, daughter and so on. But reality implies that their role push as secondary rather prime. In the family decision making process their role always neglected. ‘Matak’ is an important ethnic group in Assam which sharing common history and cultural way from generation to generation. Basically this group lives upper part of Assam. It is an age old ethnic group of Assam but limited literature deals with its people specially its women situation. Thus, this paper attempt to focus women’s role regarding decision-making process in family which define equal space for both them. The people of this ethnic group lives Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, and Sivasagar etc. district of this state. This paper select study area Dibrugarh district as most populated of this ethnic group. Problem of unavailability of literature, researcher conducted this study through ethnographic method using deep observation and interaction. The nature of this paper isa qualitative one and data have been collected from both secondary and primary sources. This study reflect women lower space in the decision making process of this community where patriarchy is the root cause to creating this. This study also reveals a specific cultural occasion gastolor bihu of this community define women important space in the family. In the concluding part, define the findings of the study. Thus, this study is hoped to help understand various facts and through it, creates an awareness and space for women in the family decision making process.

Key words: Decision making process, Family, Matak community, Patriarchy, Women

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