Background: Bladder cancer is characterized by painless, gross, and intermittent hematuria. Radiotherapy uses high radiation to destroy cancer cells. This study aimed to find characteristics of advanced stage bladder cancer managed with radiotherapy.
Methodology: We reviewed medical records of advanced stage bladder cancer patients with radiotherapy in Arifin Achmad Regional General Hospital, Pekanbaru, Riau Province, Indonesia on January 2011–December 2015.
Results: There were 70 cases of bladder cancers in which 46 (57%) cases were the advanced stage bladder cancer patients, 80% were men and 31 cases (67%) without lymph node metastasis. In histopathology findings, transitional cell carcinoma was the most (85%) common cases while the others were squamous cell carcinoma (11%) and adenocarcinoma (4%). Of all 46 advanced stage bladder cancer cases, 30 (65.2%) cases were given radiotherapy while 16 (34.8%) cases were without radiotherapy.
Conclusion: Bladder cancer is common after prostate cancer and most likely affects male elderly more than women elderly. Radiotherapy is effective against bladder cancer given that it is compatible with the stage of cancer.
Key words: Bladder cancer, advanced stage, radiotherapy