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The effect of physical activity level at postpartum period on quality of life and depression level

Esra Karatas Okyay, Tuba Ucar.


The study was conducted to determine the effect of physical activity level on quality of life and depression level during postpartum period. The cross-sectional data used in this study was collected in seven different Family Health Centers in Malatya between April-October 2017. The sample of the study consisted of 347 women with a postpartum period of six weeks to six months registered to these Family Health Centers. Personal Information Form, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ), the SF-36 Quality of Life Assessment Scale and the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) were used to collect data. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics (number, percentage, mean, standard deviation) as well as chi-square test, one-way variance analysis and Pearson correlation analysis were used. The mean IPAQ score of women was 1960.6±1456.7 MET-min/week, while 18.4% had low levels of physical activity, 59.7% moderate, and 21.9% had high levels of physical activity. Based on physical activity levels, significant differences were found between physical role, general health, social functioning, mental role and mental health point averages among SF-36 subscales (p

Key words: Midwifery, postpartum depression, postpartum period, physical activity, quality of life

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