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Majmaah J Heal Sci. 2015; 3(1): 33-36

Estimation of Height from Measuring Foot, Hand and Head Length in Northern Indian Population

Nazim Nasir, Mohammad Rehan Asad, Waqas Sami, Sumbul Nasir.


BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Estimation of height from foot length, hand length and head length is important for forensic experts for establishing the identity, for anthropologists regarding data collection and research and for epidemiologists in performing statistical analysis. The aim of the study was to deduce the height from foot length, hand length and head length in North Indian population by conducting a pilot study in medical students of North India

MATERIALS & METHODS: Ethical clearance was taken from college human ethical committee. A total of 194 students both male and female with the age group 19-23 years were analyzed by SPSS software. The foot length, head length, and hand length was correlated with estimation of height by using linear and multiple regression analysis. Results were compared among male and female in similar age group.

RESULTS: It was found that hand and foot length is strongly associated with height whereas head length showed no correlation with the height in both male and females.

CONCLUSION: Hand length and foot are strong predictors for estimating the height of an individual.

Key words: Height, hand length, foot length, head length, anthropometry, identification

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