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Majmaah J Heal Sci. 2015; 3(1): 37-43

Medical Professionals KAP of Depressive Disorder in Pakistan

Tabassum Alvi, Sadiq Hussain, Aftab Ahmed Laghari.


OBJECTIVES: To explore the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice patterns of medical professionals about depressive disorder in Pakistan. The study design is Survey Research conducted at Centers of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan (CPSP) from Karachi, Islamabad, Multan, and Peshawar between March to September 2013.

METHODOLOGY: Two hundred and sixty three post graduate trainees and specialist who have attended the CPSP workshops were included in the study by using purposive sampling technique. To assess their level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of depressive disorder, researcher has developed a questionnaire.

RESULT: Participants ‘ratio for correct answers regarding knowledge of depressive disorder is 47%, while the ratio for incorrect answers is 52% and 1% respondents didn’t reply to the asked question. When participants’ attitudes were assessed about depressive disorder, most of them were feeling comfortable to work with the patient of depression, at the same time they believed that it is not easy to work with the patient of depression. Majority of participants reported that they tend to prescribed antidepressants and they also assumed that psychotherapy has place in the treatment of depression. Majority of participants reported that they prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) while some of them also believed in the combination treatment. Most of the participants reported that they see less than five patients of depression in a week, and they tended to refer their patients to psychiatrists. Moreover, they believed that most of patients with depression report physical complains and most associated physical complain with depression is headache.

CONCLUSION: Postgraduate trainees and specialists have relatively low level of knowledge about depression but they have relative positive attitudes and performed some desirable practices in their treatment of depression

Key words: Postgraduate Trainees, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice Patterns, Depression

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