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Original Article

Med Inn. 2017; 6(2): 40-45

A cross-sectional study of Gynecological morbidities among married women (≥30 years) in Bagalkot city

Ashalata A. Mallapur, Ashok S. Dorle, Manjula R., Manjula Patil.


Background: Women and child health is a growing concern all over the world especially in developing countries. Women in the reproductive age group constitute the most vulnerable group, and therefore positive health of this group is a must for overall growth and development of the country specially that of the developing countries. Gynecological morbidities, by definition, include conditions of the reproductive tract which are not associated with a particular pregnancy such as reproductive tract infections, cervical cell changes, prolapse, infertility, and related morbidities like urinary tract infections. Nearly half of the women above 50 years of age had some gynecological morbidity, whereas only one-fourth of them complained of symptoms. Hence this study was taken up to study the prevalence of gynaecological morbidities.
1. To study the prevalence of gynaecological morbidities among married women (>30 years) by pap smear
examination and pelvic Ultrasound examination.
2. To study the prevalence of breast morbidities by clinical breast examination and Mammography.
Methods: After obtaining Institutional ethical clearance, the present study was undertaken in the Bagalkot City. A total of 1205 women participated in the present study. After obtaining informed consent from the participants, predesigned, prestructured proforma was used to obtain sociodemographic profile of the participants. Later, pap smear, breast examination, USG pelvis and Mammography was done. Later data was analyzed with SPSS software.
Results: In the present study, 71(5.9%) of them had malignant pap report and 715(59.3%) had benign pap report(includes inflammatory pap smear). About 28% of them had abnormal USG pelvis report that includes both uterine and ovarian abnormality. About14 (1.1%) of them gave the history of lump in the breast. . In the
present study, 34.6% of them had BI-RADS II of Mammography report. Followed by 6.8% of them had BI-RADS III and 0.2% of them had BI-RADS IV. In the present study, 13.4% of them had Axillary Lymph node and 12.7% of them had Fibroadenoma.
Conclusion: Reproductive health issues follows a iceberg phenomenon. These conditions need to be addressed by screening programme. Pap smear examination and Mammography is widely accepted screening procedures for Carcinoma Cervix and Carcinoma Breast respectively. In the present study, we used ultrasound examination for early detection of ovarian and uterine abnormalities.

Key words: Gynecological morbidity; Cancer cervix; Breast cancer; reproductive tract infections

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