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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3648-3661

Role Of Practicum In Prospective Teachers’ Learning: Field Experiences In Teacher Education

Haji Karim Khan, Muhammad Naeem Butt, Wilayat Bibi, Shazia Abdul Malik, Uzma Rehman Khattak.


Studies worldwide have shown the importance of teaching practicum in the learning of prospective teachers. However, this area has been overlooked in the context of Pakistan. This study takes a mixed-method approach and showcased prospective teachers’ experience during their practicum in an undergraduate program in a university in Pakistan. Findings revealed that teaching practicum was seen as an important aspect of learning by the prospective teachers as the process provided the prospective teachers with an opportunity to put theories into practice. No difference was observed due to gender difference, as both genders rated almost the same. However, female prospective teachers felt that though the practicum provided them with opportunities to see their future roles as teachers; however, they were not sure whether or not their families would allow them to work. Findings have pertinent implications for teacher education in Pakistan and elsewhere in a similar context.

Key words: Field experience, Practicum, Prospective teachers, Teacher learning,

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