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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3662-3675

The Role of Universities in Localizing Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Nasser Saud Alrayes.


The study deals with the role of universities in localizing jobs by providing high-quality educational and training services, and linking them to the needs of the labor market, to enhance the ability of graduates to compete locally and achieve the Kingdom’s 2030 vision, by identifying global models of universities’ contribution to localizing jobs, then reaching an effective employment system between: universities, the Education and Training Evaluation Commission (the Saudi Qualifications Framework), and the Human Resources Development Fund (Hadaf), and integrating them into the university’s graduate office, focusing on providing job opportunities, develop graduates, and train them according to the needs of the labor market.The study used the descriptive approach, by reviewing and analyzing the theoretical literature, to achieve the objectives of the study, data were collected using the focus group method, then the experts’ method. The study found that one of the most important global models for the contribution of educational and training institutions to localizing jobs are: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), then, the study experts were contacted to joint visions in building a project for the role of universities in localizing jobs, and its applicability in the Saudi environment.

Key words: Higher Education; Labour Market; Human Resources; Human Capital; Universities.

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