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Case Report

Distal Pediatric Thumb Revascularization: Two Case Reports of Knife Lacerations

Alisha Bonaroti, Anil Duggal, Lesley Wong.


The thumb is commonly regarded as the single most important digit in hand function. Outcomes data specific to pediatric replantation and revascularization is relatively sparse. We present two successful cases involving distal pediatric thumb revascularization after sharp lacerations. Both patients underwent repair of a single digital artery, as well as associated nerve repair. The lack of dedicated venous repair reinforces the significance of the venous plexus in very small skin conduits. Patients were noted postoperatively to have excellent function of the thumb. We conclude that pediatric thumb revascularization can be feasible even with a level of injury distal to the interphalangeal joint.

Key words: distal; pediatric; revascularization; thumb; trauma

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